R0929-2 Extracts From Interesting Letters

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[The following letter, written to Brother and Sister Adamson, was forwarded for my reading, and I take the liberty of showing it to you all.—EDITOR.]

Buffalo, April 15th, ’87.

DEAR BRO. AND SR. ADAMSON:—Your postal card received. I am so glad that you had so profitable a meeting. I shall hope that I may have the blessed privilege of meeting with the brethren at Pittsburg in another year. I think it would not have been right for me to leave our small company here, this Passover; for it was the first of the kind, I think, that ever met in this city, as we did—seven in all. Our Lord was in our midst. Sr. Baker read the article on “The Lord’s Supper,” from the February Tower; and among us was an old German lady, who has been a member of the Methodist church a long time, who, after listening attentively, said “There! That is the first time I have ever understood! I never saw it so plain before.” And we all felt that we were celebrating the Lord’s Supper truly for the first time. It was a happy season.

I think I shall sell two or three paper “DAWNS” this evening. If I do, I shall feel so encouraged that I shall want many more.

Give my love to Bro. and Sr. Russell. I long for the good time coming, when I shall see them face to face—if not in the flesh, when the race has been run, if worthy. O the thought! How grand! It is worthy of all sacrifices made now. Like Paul, I have “an earnest desire for the returning, and being with Christ.” Love to Sister Adamson, and will be glad to welcome you back again. H. R. M.


Toledo, O., April 26, 1887.

DEAR BRO. RUSSELL:—At the appointed time, four of us commemorated the Lord’s death by partaking of the emblems, bread and wine. We had a refreshing season. We were with you in spirit, and were blessed.

Your brother in Christ, J. B. Z.


Cook Co., Ill., April 2, 1887.

DEAR BRO. RUSSELL:—Some of the seed sown is already up; and I think the happiest I have ever been was when Bro. Dickinson and his wife said to me that they had found more happiness in this than in all else in life. Some others are interested, and perhaps after a little there may be a half-dozen or so meeting once or twice a week, to talk these things over. I find more happiness in it than in any thing else. In fellowship your brother,



New Lebanon, O., April 25, 1887.

MY DEAR BRO. RUSSELL:—Some time has elapsed since I last wrote you a letter, but it is not because I have forgotten you, or become cold toward the cause of Truth. To-day I am as free from the trammels of sectarianism as the winds that play about me. I have bid a long, long adieu to the nominal church; I have stepped out of “Babylon;” I am feeding in the valleys of God and on the hill-lands of truth. Oh! how sweet those rich pastures! The flesh-pots of Egypt are not to be compared to the rich viands of promise. Their savor has become a nauseating stench in my nostrils. Let those who cling to the sluggish streams of tradition drink of their foul waters and feed on the garbage they accumulate; but for me, the cool, refreshing waters of truth only can make glad the waste places of my existence.

I have separated myself from the church with which I stood identified, and now consider that I am a member of the “body.” Perhaps I am not as strong as some, but by the grace of God I am what I am.

I am still preaching in New Lebanon every Sunday night. My preaching is troubling a good many people. They fear it will undermine sectarianism, and their fear is well founded. The truth is slowly spreading, and not infrequently in directions unlooked for. I set no stakes as to what I will do, but go on unpretentiously in the discharge of my duty, little concerning myself as to where it may place me.

With pleasure would I have come to the “feast” at your place, if it had been permitted me; but since I was not permitted

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this time, I hope better things for the next time. When the hour of our exaltation comes, then all these temporal contingencies will lose their power. May the Lord keep us humble to the end, is my prayer.

Yours in hope, J. P. MARTIN.


Elk Creek, Mo.

BRO. AND SR. RUSSELL:—Greeting to you: Bound by the same cord, rejoicing in the same truth, we did not forget our privilege of celebrating our Redeemer’s death, realizing our right to life, being purchased with his blood (life), and our right to his perfection by eating the bread, and also the glorious privilege of sharing the sufferings of our Head, that we may be also glorified together. Hoping to see you face to face when suffering is ended, pray the Lord that our faith fail not.

M. E. M.


Florida, April 12, 1887.

DEAR BRO. RUSSELL:—We, a few, did not forget to assemble ourselves together to keep the feast. It was a blessed time; we felt it the more so, as it was at the same time that our dear Lord partook of the same supper. We remembered and spoke about you, and I have no doubt you remembered us and all of the household of faith. Love to all, from us all.



Preston Co., W. Va.

DEAR BRO. RUSSELL:—I have the great pleasure to report a very interesting and profitable meeting, on the evening of the 7th inst., of a little company, sixteen in number, who “kept the feast” in remembrance of “our Passover, slain for us.” We remembered the more isolated ones, who were not so privileged; also the little bands of twos and threes, and companies like our own, here and there all over the earth. We prayed also for the dear brothers and sisters in Allegheny; and we doubted not that we were also remembered, and the assurance gave us courage and strengthened us in our glorious privilege.

We all join in sending our love and sympathy to you and Sister Russell, and to all the dear household that are privileged to see you face to face. Yours in fellowship of the Master, H. L. GILLIS.


St. Louis, Mo., April 8, 1887.

DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—About 8 o’clock, p.m., April 7th, self and wife alone, except with our Master, celebrated the Lord’s Supper. After reading the record of Matthew, Mark, Luke and Paul, and praying, and blessing bread and wine, breaking the bread, we partook of these emblems in commemoration of the Lord’s death and sacrifice for the redemption and salvation of all that was lost in Adam. And especially for the called, and those selected, elected, chosen by consecration—the saints, for his bride. We did this in harmony with the command of our blessed Lord Jesus Christ, given to his disciples at the time when they met with him to celebrate his last Passover, before he suffered death, and thus paid the ransom price (antilutron)

The papers and ten books, M. DAWN, came all right. We suffer reproach from some of whom we expected better things. I expect to leave here on next Monday for a trip to the southwest, and will trust the Lord for success. Hoping to hear from you soon, with kind regards to Sister R. and yourself,

Yours in Christ, P. R. M.


Kansas, April 13, 1887.

DEAR BRO. RUSSELL:—Seven of us met on the evening of April 7th, and after a short social meeting we commemorated the Lord’s supper. Your brother in Christ,



Pomona, April 10th, ’87.

C. T. RUSSELL, DEAR BROTHER:—I drop a few lines to let you hear from this part of the Master’s vineyard. The Church at Huggen’s Creek met and celebrated our Passover on the evening of the 7th inst. This is our first attempt. A devoted little company of ten assembled at the place appointed. After prayer and a few appropriate remarks we partook of the emblems in remembrance of the death and sufferings of our Lord. We enjoyed the presence of the Lord and felt that it was good for us to be there. Yours in Fellowship and Love, P. N. KING.


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Grant, Pa., April 23d, ’87.

DEAR BRO:—I have read your book, “MILLENNIAL DAWN,” VOL. I., with deep interest, and wish to express to you my hearty thanks for it. While not ready to give unqualified consent to all its contents, I can see no reason for rejecting the main tenor of its teachings. Some time ago I was led to the investigation of the dogma of eternal torment, as the destiny of all who die without the saving knowledge of Christ, and was obliged to confess that it lacked scriptural foundation; and so was constrained to change my manner of preaching, to conform more to the infallible Word—”the only rule,” according to the standards of our church, Presbyterian. With the discovery that I did not know as much as I had supposed, I was led also to see more clearly that I am to call no man master.

While reading your book, I thought of some of the brethren—wishing that they might give it a careful perusal. There is so much in it that all true Christians must agree upon—the redemption from sin by Christ, the supreme authority of the Word. Dr. J. H. Brooks, of St. Louis, editor of ‘The Truth,’ is an old friend, an honest, sincere man, and fearless in defence of what he believes to be truth; but his articles on “Future Punishment” and “Annihilation” some months ago, I thought marked by a spirit of intolerance, bigotry and unfairness—tending rather to demolish than establish his own doctrines.

Spurgeon’s sermons I have delighted to read, as of a man taught much by the Spirit, but, I have noted occasional hellfire utterances of the old stamp, with sneers at those who did not believe in them, yet without proof from holy Scripture. Yet he is not too bigoted to read a book advocating different views from his own, and hails as a brother one who holds the cardinal doctrines of Christianity. I wish both these brethren might read your book, and if they would only look into it a little, I think, they would not be satisfied to leave it unread. Praying that the Spirit of truth may guide you and me into all truth, Fraternally, (Rev.)__________.


— May, 1887 —