R1099-1 Our Special Issue For April And May

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So many appeals have come to hand, from those who feel that they cannot afford to purchase MILLENNIAL DAWN Vol. II. in cloth binding, desiring that “The Time is at Hand” be issued in magazine form, to bring it within the reach of all, that we have concluded to issue it as we did Vol. I., “The Plan of the Ages;” viz., as a special issue of the WATCH TOWER.

It is proposed, therefore, that it shall represent the April and May issues, No. 6 and 7, of TOWER Vol. X. We expect to mail it about April 15th next, to all whose subscriptions on our books shall stand renewed for 1889, as above explained, on the first day of April next.

All whose subscriptions for the TOWER come in after May 1st ’89 will be expected to pay 25 cents for this special issue, or 75 cents for this year from Jan’y forward.

This special issue will of course be a great expense to us, but reflecting that

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about two thousand, now on our poor list, would not, possibly, otherwise get the important truths which Vol. II. presents, decided us that such a course would be to the Lord’s glory. Many of these have waited long for this “meat,” hoping that the Lord would provide it for them in some manner. And we would have presented this subject-matter long ago, in TOWERS of the usual shape and size, but the subject is such, and so connected, that much of its strength and force would be lost, if spread over a year’s issues of the TOWER. Besides, the subjects are such as will need to be referred to continually, and this would be less convenient in our usual shape. In fact, all who can afford it, should also have both “The Plan of the Ages” and “The Time at Hand” in cloth binding, for preservation and frequent reference. And such will surely want some extra copies for their friends, if they appreciate the subjects treated.

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Do not hasten through, in reading The Time at Hand. The subjects will require at least two readings to get their force and beauty. And you will probably find, as so many have written of DAWN VOL. I., that the second or third reading was even more enjoyable and profitable than the first. So then, the two months which that special issue will supply, April and May, can be abundantly and profitably occupied by the study of its topics—a subject of deep interest to all who have caught a glimpse of the Plan of the Ages, and seen that in its sublime culmination, in the Millennium, center all our good hopes. None such can be indifferent to whatever testimony our Heavenly Father may have supplied us with, in the Scripture, touching the time for the beginning of the Restitution work of blessing.


— March, 1889 —