R1265-8 Extracts From Interesting Letters

::R1265 : page 8::



DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—Truly the Lord blesses me greatly in my work, not indicated so much in the number of DAWNS sold and delivered as in the great number of comments which even go ahead of my arrival while I canvass between those towns I visit. I deliver one or two discourses of 1-1/4 hours each, every Sunday; never failing to have a full house of deeply interested hearers. These flock around me at the close of each service with scores of proper questions suggested by the sermon. Brief answers to these are listened to by other honest inquirers. At the close of the evening discourse the remark is often made that it answered many questions suggested by that of the morning.

The deep interest is also manifested by the fact that a goodly number walk miles from one appointment to the next in the adjoining district. Others volunteer to go with carriage, taking me to and from appointments, and many seem to vie with each other in hearty invitations to accompany them to their homes to share their hospitality—many more than I can accept. It is very cheering to notice how quickly and effectually the cobwebs of tradition and musty creeds disappear when the present truth is presented. I sell a goodly number of MILLENNIAL DAWNS in connection with each appointment. From it appropriate selections are made for singing.

As must be expected, a would-be numerous opposition is apparent; yet it is shy and lacks all the boldness of righteousness. Last Sunday I was politely invited by a “Drew theologian,” the M.E. minister in charge here, to his parsonage studio, where were congregated a council of “shepherds” of different “flocks” who were intent upon devising ways and means to crush “this man and his book,” which were scattering their flocks from their folds, doing more to disintegrate and lead away than they all had the power to resist. They had concluded that something must be done and were willing to unite to oppose the “common enemy.” They wanted to advise and warn as to my doctrine and my book.

I inquired, “Have you read the book?” “No.” “Have you heard the man preach?” “No.” Then in turn, gentlemen, let me advise and admonish you first to read the book carefully, then hear the man candidly, then bear the truth thus obtained to your congregations. They will see the light and follow; but failing to do this, you will but blow smoke and dust into the eyes of those saying to you, “Help us to see.” Should you tell them the man and the book teach Adventism or Universalism they will quickly tell you they know better. The M.E. minister suggested his unwillingness to have the book in his library. Both the eyes and ears of each were resolutely closed.

The interview ended in emphasizing the truth that “If the blind lead the blind both shall fall into the ditch,” and that darkness still covers the earth and gross darkness the people.

Yet how blessed the sight of scores of honest, truth-hungry seekers in every neighborhood gladly grasping the “white bread of heaven,” borne to them from the Master’s table. How surely, as soon as they get the light, they will refuse to be led by their blind leaders.

At the close of my last discourse a tall, fine looking young man, chorister and leader in the singing, came to me and inquired what I called the doctrine I preached. I replied that it was the doctrine of the restitution of all things which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began—that I knew no other and wanted no other name. Well, said he, in the hearing of many who were listening, “They may call it what they please, it is just my belief. I have never heard my doctrine so clearly and fully expressed before.” He wanted both volumes of the DAWN. How plenteous the harvest! How few the laborers! Yours in the blessed service,




DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—I am glad you invited your readers to write to you, else I should have hesitated to do so. I can not begin to tell you what joy and comfort I have found in reading the DAWN and WATCH TOWER. I have been a member of the Methodist church for more than twenty years, but long before I read your works it seemed to me to be not so much a house of prayer as a temple of fashion.

My precious boy, whom I buried last year, saw these things and held aloof from the church, and he took sick and died out of the church—he whom I had dedicated to God in baptism and prayed for all his life. He was nineteen years of age. According to my own belief as a Methodist, I must think him unsaved, though I could not believe it; for a better, more God-fearing if not God-loving boy I never saw. But I could not harmonize Methodist faith and God’s providence, his promises and my awful loss. Of myself I could have found no solution of the mystery. In speaking to the pastor about it, he said, “Sister, you know what the terms of salvation are.”

I will not attempt to tell you of the consolation I have found in reading your works. Before I read them, after my son’s death, I could not pray; I tried, but words froze on my lips. But, thanks to you and the dear Lord, I see light through the cloud, and my soul is filled with joy while I sing:

“What if the clouds do, for a moment,
Hide the blue sky where morn appears?
Soon the glad sun of promise given
Rises to shine a thousand years.”

But I have written upon the very subject I thought I would not attempt, lest my letter be too long. You need not take the trouble to reply, as I shall find it in the DAWN and in the TOWER. I am anxious for the next volume and wait impatiently for every number of the TOWER.

I close, subscribing myself your sister in Christ, in hope of a glorious resurrection and a reunion with loved and buried ones, through Him who hath loved us and given Himself a ransom for us.




DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—I enclose express money order of $50, for my DAWN account.

As I anticipated, I find plenty of opportunity for serving the truth in Canada. The harvest is plentiful, and so is the ground for sowing. In the short time we have been here we have sold nearly 500 DAWNS, and there seem to be many that are ripe and ready for the sickle of truth.

We expect to be here about one week more. Then my brother will go to meet and work with Bro. Zink, and I will work one or two towns near here next.

The last TOWER has been read and much appreciated, as usual, though I have not had opportunity to read it as carefully as I desire to do yet. With love in Christ, your brother, S. D. ROGERS.



DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—Yours of 20th inst. to hand, and contents read, as usual, with great pleasure, and I trust with profit. I thank you very much for the tracts and papers. Although I never know, in many cases, what effect the distribution of such literature has upon the minds and hearts of the recipients, and in fact whether they are all even read, yet I have seen enough to convince me that there can be no more efficient way to preach the truth.

These messengers of truth appeal to the individual when all alone, and he has time to think, and when, perhaps, he is less combative. Many, I am satisfied, believe, and, like Nicodemus, “are afraid of the Jews.” I encounter some who, while they are unable to overcome these Bible facts, are yet proud and conceited, and will not believe though they be convinced.

I am perfectly delighted with the Hymn Book. I want to try and sell some among my friends and congregation.

May God bless you and yours. Yours in Christian bonds, W. D. WILLIAMS.



DEAR BROTHER:—Enclosed please find $5.00, which I believe will cover expenses for the DAWNS and envelopes of the enclosed order, and also for sending the WATCH TOWER to my brother__________in China, for the ensuing year. Anything over and above these expenses, retain for God’s work in your hands.

I have been much blessed in reading the article on the history of the development of the present truth in the May number, and I do praise God for your faithful word of warning at the close, that a pure heart and single eye to the glory of God is the only safeguard against false doctrine. I see around me here the danger of being carried away in seeking more knowledge of these blessed truths before being truly sanctified to God by a complete surrender at the foot of the cross. Truly, “knowledge puffeth up,” if it is not based on the love of God as an actual heart experience.

We started a little meeting last Lord’s Day in a laundry here, for those who love these blessed truths. It was a humble gathering, but the Lord blessed us. I pray that his spirit may be present in power with us as we meet from time to time. Pray for us.

I am very much pleased with Leeser’s translation, and have got some blessed thoughts and helps from it. Specially do I appreciate the rendering of Isaiah 53, bringing out so clearly as it does how our Lord has borne our sicknesses, and how, through his substitutionary sufferings in this line, healing is granted to us.

Yours in the Lord, G. B. STUDD.



MY DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—I have not written you sooner because I really had nothing to write. My life has been so uneventful of late, and so full of physical suffering, that I am nearly lost to life and its busy scenes. In another sense, however, my dear brother, I have been feasting upon the fat things of a better life, and my soul rejoices in the promises of God. For whereas I was once blind, now I see, and whereas I was once a bond-slave, now I rejoice in the liberty of the gospel of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. O what a glorious liberty it is! What a blessed privilege to be the servant of Christ.

When I get able I too expect to do some work for Christ, but so far I have had a hard battle to fight, and am not settled yet. How I would like to see you all and join you in anthems of praise to “him who hath redeemed us.” I often think of you and the delightful meetings at your house.

I go to church here occasionally, but how painful it is to hear those expounding the Word who do not themselves understand it, nor believe it.

I want two of your Hymn Books, and for the balance of the within money send me all the No. 2 Tracts you can. I am entirely out of them. Wishing you and Sister Russell, and all our dear brethren and sisters in Allegheny, all God’s good and perfect gifts, I am most sincerely yours, J. F. CALDWELL.



VERY DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—Yours of the 18th inst. duly received. In reply I would say that I feel very humble, yet blessed, at the inspiring thought of being privileged to thrust the sickle into the great harvest-field of England. May I receive the merciful assistance of the Master, and the prayers of all the brethren.

Enclosed you will find L15, or 75 dollars, for which please send five hundred DAWNS, Vol. I., and a complete outfit. Shall be glad to receive the Arp slips and memoranda and some Tracts, especially the one treating on the wages of sin. Please forward the books at once.

I have a great field before me, and a great work to do; but am overwhelmed with gratitude at thought of being permitted to engage in the great work. I feel my weakness; but the consolation of being convinced that I am called to the work is a guaranty that I shall be divinely sustained; and of this I had some experience at Henderson, N. C., in opposition to both lay and clerical influence of that town, which I take it was but a small drilling school to prepare me for my future work. Am blessed with the precious consolation that the foundation of the Master’s work is laid there, and an impression made that will never be effaced. To God be all the glory. Amen! Yours in love, and in the Master’s cause, RICHARD MARSTON.



TOWER TRACT SOCIETY:—I have to acknowledge receipt of a capital little tract of the teaching of the Old Theology, entitled “Protestants, Awake!”

It is the doctrines of the church that have driven so many entirely from the teachings of the Great Discoverer of the road to happiness, through love.

Send me other tracts, and as I have opportunity for distribution I will send money for others.

Respectfully, G. K. FLOWER.


— November, 1890 —