R4145-71 Berean Studies On The Atonement

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Questions on Study I.—The Fact and Philosophy of the Atonement


(1) Do the Scriptures teach that the Church is so separate from the world that her hopes and ambitions spiritual are not discerned? Page 26, par. 1. Matt. 11:27; John 15:15; 1 Cor. 2:11; 1 John 3:1.

(2) What are the “earnest expectations” of humanity and when will these be more than realized? Page 26, par. 1. Rom. 8:19-23.

(3) What great promise did the Lord make, prior to the First Advent of our Lord Jesus, in which are included all the hopes for the Church and the world and which was subsequently elaborated by our Lord and his apostles? Page 26, par. 1.

(4) Since “condemnation passed upon all men, because all are sinners,” and since God changeth not, what grounds have we for faith or hope as respects the salvation of Adam and his race? Page 26, par. 2.

(5) What difference is there between the Little Flock and the world as respects God’s love and its redemption from the curse—the death penalty? Page 26, par. 2.

(6) What inference may properly be drawn from the fact that the Church is referred to as a “first-fruits”? James 1:18.



(1) Are there two parts to the work of Atonement? If so, name them and describe their operation. Page 27, par. 1.

(2) Are the members of the Little Flock included in the first part of the Atonement work—the reconciliation for iniquity?

(3) Will the Little Flock share with the world in its experiences under the New Covenant? Or will this class be counted “not of the world,” but chosen-out ones for association with their Redeemer, as members of the Body of the great Mediator between God and mankind in general. Z. page 7, ’07.

(4) Does the invitation to the Church to follow the Lord in sacrifice, to drink of his cup of the New Covenant, signify the privilege of joining with our Lord in providing the blood (sacrifice) wherewith the New Covenant will by and by be sealed?

(5) If by nature “we were children of wrath even as others,” whence and how does this privilege come to us? “Who hath made us to differ?” and how were we made acceptable as joint-sacrificers with Christ? Page 28, par. 1. Rom. 12:1; 1 Cor. 4:7; Eph. 2:3.

(6) Will the world’s justification be instantly or gradually effected? and how? and when? Page 29.


(1) How long a time will the mediation of the New Covenant God-ward require? And how long man-ward? Page 29, par. 2.

(2) When did our Lord Jesus become the Head of the world’s Mediator? At his birth, or at his baptism, or at his resurrection? 1 Tim. 2:5,6.

(3) When was it that our Lord “gave himself a ransom”? Was it at his consecration? and did he fulfil the giving even unto Calvary?

(4) When do we join our Lord as members of “his Body”? At birth, at justification, at consecration and acceptance of the Spirit, or in the resurrection?

(5) Does this “His Resurrection” begin when the Lord accepts our consecration? and is it finished when we experience our final “change”? Phil. 3:7-11.

(6) Will the mediatorial work of Messiah (his Millennial reign) ever have an end? When? Why?

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(7) What will by that time have been accomplished? Why will it not be prolonged? Page 30, par. 1,2.


(1) Accepting Abraham as typifying God, and Isaac as typifying the Christ, and the three wives of Abraham (Sarah, Hagar and Keturah) as typifying the three great covenants between God and all from the human family who shall eventually become blest with the full liberty of the sons of God, which represented the “Law Covenant”? which the “New Covenant”? and which the original or “Everlasting Covenant”? Gal. 4:22-31; Jer. 31:31-34.

(2) Is there room for doubt as to which were the children of Agar or Hagar, the people under the Law Covenant?

(3) Is there room for doubt as to which are the children of Sarah, “the Seed of Abraham according to promise,” or children of God under the Original Covenant or Everlasting Covenant? Gal. 3:16,17; 4:28; Heb. 13:20; 11:17; Jas. 2:21.

(4) Is there room for doubt that the “New Covenant” cannot have been the oldest or the original and “Everlasting Covenant,” nor the “Law Covenant” added four hundred and thirty years after it, but must be the one typified by Keturah, Abraham’s last wife, accepted after the death of Sarah? (Gen. 25:1-4.) Is there any doubt that the promise of a New Covenant and its effects belong to the future? Jer. 31:27-34.

(5) Is it not the New Covenant that the Apostle refers to in Rom. 11:27? If not, what Covenant is signified?

(6) How could Israel partake of restitution except under the New Covenant? and how could this signify their obtaining mercy through the Church’s mercy, except as the Church as the Spiritual Seed of the original promise (Gal. 3:29) becomes partaker with her Lord in the sealing of the New Covenant? Rom. 11:26,31. Pages 30, 31, 32.


— March 1, 1908 —