R0919-1 Extracts From Interesting Letters

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St. Louis, Mo., March 7th, ’87.

DEAR BROTHER C. T. RUSSELL:—I am highly delighted with the February No. W. TOWER, especially so with “The Time is Short” and “No Variableness, Neither Shadow of Turning,” and with the March No. which came in this A.M. Indeed I am always refreshed, strengthened by each Z.W.T. more and more, and my heart (mind) swells with gratitude and love to

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God for such interpretations of His Word. The Article “Whose Wife Shall She Be?” is clear, reasonable, manifestly Scriptural, deep, logical and convincing, on a subject which I never saw so plainly before. This only shows how many mysteries are no doubt hidden in God’s Word, yet to be revealed to his faithful ones.

I preach more or less every day. My heart is in the work and must do it. O how I would like to spend an hour or two with you, but I am afraid I shall not be able to visit you this next anniversary Supper. If I should have no one with me, I will celebrate the Supper alone, with the Lord, and hope you will not forget me in your feasting and prayers.

Truly yours in the Service of the truth,

DR. J. R. M__________.

Kansas, February 10th, ’87.

MY DEAR FRIEND:—I enclose money for two of the paper bound DAWN. The book is beyond rubies. I am also very thankful for the “TOWER” and pray our loving Father may long bless you to hold up the standard of truth. Such articles as “The Time is Short” bring us into very close fellowship: every word is as a nail in a sure place.

I am respectfully D. B__________.

Buffalo, N.Y.

DEAR SIR:—I have enclosed herewith a money order for five dollars, which I desire to give to the TRACT FUND. I received knowledge of the truth through the distribution of tracts in Buffalo by the Society, and I have taken this opportunity to slightly repay for what I have received.

Yours in Christ, C. B__________.

BROTHER ADAMSON writes concerning the plan suggested in the March “VIEW:” “Of course 50,000 DAWNS can be sold and should be, before 1888 A.D. I was reckoning what would be my proportion and concluded on 1000. So I order 20 copies paper bound and find I will have to order 20 every week. Having sold about 100 I must sell at least 20 per week for the remaining 43 weeks of the year. If 1000 subscribers to TOWER would sell each 30 copies during the year, the big part of the job would be over. All could do this at the very low price now decided on, 25 cts. each. I have a small boy here who sold several DAWNS at former prices, 50 cents.

While the discussion concerning the Second death of the incorrigible is going on, I call your attention to Amalek and their figure in history and the Bible. I believe both agree that Amalek was utterly destroyed nationally and individually. But while I saw plainly for some time that Amalekites appear to type those who enter the second death, the reason being given seems to add force. They lifted up their hand against the throne of the Lord after they knew it as such, and never was the Lord’s hand lifted to bear so heavily on any other people.—Exodus 17:14-17 and margin.

Well, Rochester is pretty well worked. I have six sets of boys loaning packets. Have articles every week in Sunday papers. I shall encourage all correspondents to try hard to sell 50 to 100 DAWNS a piece this year. Regards, Christian love, and joined by Sister A. J. B. ADAMSON.

New Lebanon.

MY DEAR BRO. RUSSELL:—I have just laid aside DAWN; I was reading “Jehovah’s Day;” I am much impressed by what I have just read. Although I have read this chapter previously, yet it came to me under many new and impressive features; hence I conclude that I am but a child in the primary department of the school of Christ; that I have but tasted of the spring-branch, and that the fountain is farther up the mountain side, of which if I desire to drink I must continue to climb.

Well, I am become unpopular to the Reformed sect; they became fearful; so I don’t preach for them any more. My own sect begin to mistrust me, but I am not sure what they will do, as I am about the only minister they know of who will preach for them caring nothing as to whether they pay him or not. All that is wrong with me, is that I care as little whether my preaching pleases them, as I do whether they give me anything for it. I am not popular and what is worse (to them) I am not trying to be. I do what I can to spread the truth while earning my living by farming. Yours in our Lord, J. P. M__________.


— April, 1887 —