R1133-2 Extracts From Interesting Letters

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Jacksonville, Fla.

ZION’S WATCH TOWER:—I have read The Plan of the Ages, with great interest. It fell into my hands while attending our annual Conference of the M.E. Church. I was so much pleased with it that I purchased seven, and at once on my return home sent them out on a mission. They are now being read by six of our ministers of this city, and I will keep them going from house to house.

Send me six more, and I will send them out on the same mission. There are 50 preachers, teachers, lawyers, and others, into whose hands I wish to place them.

Yours, S. W__________.



DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—I inclose money order of ten dollars for Tract Fund.

On coming home to see my parents I find them so situated that they need my services for a short time, and I hardly feel

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it right to go away for a week or two. I trust the short change I shall make will not be any loss to the service. Next month I hope will find me in the field with renewed strength.

I hope to be able to sell the two volumes of DAWN together mostly in the future. I do hope and pray that the Lord may grant you sufficient time and strength and knowledge that the third volume of DAWN shall be a suitable climax to the grand and God-like prelude. If the Lord permits us to continue our work for the coming ten years I hope and trust to dispose of fifty thousand copies of DAWN, and we can hope that many others will do accordingly, as the Master hath given unto them. If you can find time to write, I shall be greatly pleased to hear from you.

I am glad to acknowledge the strength and grace received from reading last TOWER. I know it will be a rich feast to all the dear saints to whom it goes. You may think it queer that we do not secure some subscribers to the TOWER, while working with DAWN. If so, I might say that I think the reading and circulating of the book to be so important that I do not think it well to try to take orders for the paper. [We fully endorse this course. The DAWN is much better suited to new readers than the TOWER. Mention the latter only where you find some interest already.—ED.] The way things are now going, it seems quite possible that the TOWER may be suppressed in the near future; and though the printing of DAWN might also be stopped it would be difficult to stop the reading of the thousands of copies now being circulated.

[The TOWER would, probably, have been suppressed long ago in Europe. But thank God for this land of liberty, where thus far, and probably for some years, we may boldly declare His Word, with none to molest and make us afraid. But blinded sectarians are very bitter. They hate the “good tidings” and would think that they served God as well as their sects by injuring or stopping our influence.—EDITOR.]

Does not the teaching of our Master indicate that we should find and help to “seal” as many as possible with the truth, before doing anything which would be pretty sure to invite decided opposition to our work? I think, if your judgment on this could be given in the TOWER, it would be important to the service.

[A good suggestion. Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. A good article on this subject from Bro. Page’s pen will be found in another column.—EDITOR.]

Please give my love to the Church at Allegheny. With kindest regards to you and Mrs. R., I remain, as ever,

Yours, S. D. ROGERS.


Centralia, Wash. Ter.

ZION’S WATCH TOWER:—I wish to add one more voice from this distant corner, because light is breaking and creed shackles are loosening. We are falling into battle line. We need more of the TOWER literature. I enclose five dollars. Please send the Diaglott and M. DAWN, Vol. II. Also some DAWNS, Vol. I., and anything you have at hand.

Yours for the truth, D. M. D__________.



Mr. C. T. RUSSELL, DEAR SIR:—I have read Volume I. of your MILLENNIAL DAWN and am now reading Vol. II. This work seems to me to open up the Scriptures in a manner which no other works ever did. I am more than delighted with it. To me it is the very truth of God, and I cannot but exclaim: “O! the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!” Now from the depth of my heart I can say: “Even so, come Lord Jesus.”

I am a Cadet in the Salvation Army. I was a member of the Presbyterian Church for seven years before joining the army, but I could not help thinking Jehovah had sadly failed in accomplishing the redemption of man. And much did I wonder at such passages as: “And I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto me.” And, “God is the Savior of all men, especially of them that believe,” etc. The prophecies were a complete mystery. Now, praise God, all is clear and harmonious. God is love. He is the very God poor, fallen humanity needs. Bless his name!

I am at present passing through a severe trial. Being convinced of the truth, I could no longer preach or uphold the doctrines of the army; so I at once sent word to headquarters of the new light I had received on the Scriptures and that, as I no longer believed the doctrines of the army, I could stay in it no longer. I have not yet had time for a reply. I am thousands of miles from home, and do not know what I shall turn my hands to, but I trust the Lord will open a door for me at the proper time. I love the army and it will go hard with me to leave it. Besides, I shall be looked upon as a backslider and a hindrance to the cause of God. But where the Lord leads I must follow at any cost. I sacrificed home and friends and good employment, as a teacher, to come into the army, as I believed, at the call of God; and I believe so still. I have learned many precious lessons in the army, and would not injure it in any way—but I must walk in the light. There are several other officers whom I expect to see leave for the same reasons.

I see that you wish to spread the news of the “harvest” as much as possible. I long to do so, too, but until I am released from the army I can do nothing, and I know not what then to do. I can no doubt find employment of some sort. If you can in any way advise me, as to what I should do and what course I should pursue, I shall be much obliged. I can easily go back to teaching again if I wish, but if there is any way in which I could be more directly engaged in the Lord’s work I would prefer it. The reading of the “Plan of the Ages” gave me much joy in the Lord, and what I have read of Volume II. is equally good and profitable.

Wishing you God’s speed, I am Yours in Christ, A. M__________.

[The fields are ripe, and we advised this sister to proceed at once in the harvest work by canvassing with DAWN. The Lord blesses those who are faithful in few things by calling them to higher service, and will doubtless continue to test and prove, until he sees it is enough and calls them up to the higher fellowship and service with himself in glory.—EDITOR.]


Sutter, Ills.

DEAR BRO. RUSSELL:—DAWN, Vol. II., which I have read through, carefully, and which is a “feast of fat things,” most surely, came to hand in due time.

No one, I think, can take greater interest in the subject matter of the DAWNS, Vols. I. and II., than I do. The Truth is wonderful, glorious, grand. And the overjoying feature of the whole matter is, that it is “at hand.” Surely, you have “ciphered” the matter out about right. Looking at it, as I do, I see no chance for a doubt.

Yours in Christ, Dr. H. J. S__________.


— August, 1889 —