R1201-1 A Season Of Refreshing

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Brother Rogers writes as follows, to the TOWER readers in general, concerning the Anniversary Meeting, etc.

“The Memorial Meeting confirms the thought that the time has come for the gathering together of the saints in oneness and expectation. Though many members, there seems to be but one spirit; many diversities, but one desire to know

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the Lord and his will concerning us as individuals.

“The meeting also helped us to realize that the secrets of the Lord are with those that love and reverence him. A few days communing with saints is better than a whole year with the world. Such a manifestation of the influence of the spirit of Christ among his followers, now, makes us long for the time when all things will be in blessed harmony with the Creator. And if we are given such things now, what will be given to those who are found in his likeness.

“To suffer and live for our Saviour in this life is worthy to be compared with the privilege of reigning with him in the future.” S. D. ROGERS.


— April, 1890 —