R4391-141 Western Convention Tour

::R4391 : page 141::


UPON learning of the Western Convention Tour a number of friends inquired as to our willingness to have company, and whether or not a Convention Party could be arranged to travel together in a Tourist Sleeping Car.

We replied that we certainly would be pleased to have the company and find that the Tourist and Kitchen-car arrangement is feasible. The figures below include the use of the car for twenty-five days and nights and three plain, substantial meals per day with an allowance of 35 cents each for meals not taken. The longer excursion would start from Chicago and take in all of the Convention’s stops noted in The Watch Tower except the first and the last named—Piedmont, Ala., and Aberdeen, S.D. Others might join the party in Texas and California at a slightly increased cost for the round trip. All the details of this arrangement are in the hands of Brother L. W. Jones, M.D., No. 2024 Washington Boul., Chicago, Ill. Applications for space on these cars should be made not later than June 15, accompanied by a deposit of not less than fifty ($50) dollars.

Arrangements are being made for a long and a short Western Convention Trip.


This route will take in all the Conventions mentioned in the Tower, with the exception of Aberdeen.

One or more special cars will be used, and meals provided if desired, as follows:

Option No. 1— This means an entire section in the

sleeper for 25 days, and three meals per day. $96.25
(A refund for meals not eaten on train, 35c.)
Railroad fare from Chicago and return…………. 77.25

Option No. 2— This means an entire section in the

sleeper for 25 days and nights, but occupied by two persons, with three meals daily for each person. Thus Option No. 2 would cost each person…… 61.25
(A refund for meals not eaten on train, 35c.)
Railroad fare from Chicago and return…………. 77.25


This route would take in Seattle, Spokane, Butte, Denver and St. Joseph. The round trip railroad fare from Chicago will cost $62.50. Sleeper for round trip would be about $15, but this could be cut in half if two persons occupied a berth.

All meals on this short trip would be extra, as would also the hotel accommodations while at the conventions. About $100 ought to cover the expenses of this short trip.


— May 1, 1909 —