R4790-95 Berean Questions In Scripture Studies

::R4790 : page 95::


Series VI., Study V.—The Organization of the New Creation



(28) Is there any suggestion in Scripture that the Apostles were to be lords over the Church, or especially different in any respect from the other members of the Body? P. 211, par. 1.

(29) What was the character of their commission? P. 212, par. 1.

(30) What was the difference between the position of the Apostles previous to Pentecost, and their special powers of the Holy Spirit subsequent to that time? P. 212, par. 2.

(31) Did these “gifts” take the place of the “fruits” of the Spirit? P. 213, top.

(32) What was the purpose of the Lord’s selection and instruction of the Apostles. P. 213, par. 1.

(33) Were the Apostles strong characters, naturally? and what special privileges more than compensated for their lack of worldly wisdom and education? P. 213, par. 2; P. 214, par. 1,2.

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(34) Why did the Lord specially reveal himself to the Apostles after his resurrection? P. 214, par. 3.

(35) Why was it necessary for the Apostle Paul to see the risen Lord, “as one born out of due time”? P. 215, par. 1, first half.

(36) For what reason may we suppose the Apostle Paul was granted such peculiar experiences, visions, etc.? P. 215, par. 1,2,3.

(37) Quote Paul’s own testimony as to his Apostleship. P. 216, top.

(38) Was it the Lord’s intention that the Apostles confine their efforts to the Jewish nation? P. 216, par. 1.

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(39) Were the characters of the Apostles such as to inspire confidence in their testimonies? P. 217, par. 1, first part.

(40) In addition, what further Scriptural evidence should increase our confidence in their writings? P. 217, par. 1, last part.

(41) What was the three-fold character of the Apostolic inspiration as promised by the Lord in John 14:26; 16:13? P. 217, par. 2.

(42) What internal evidence in the Apostolic writings would contradict the thought of verbal inspiration? and how may we harmonize the different statements of the writers? P. 218, par. 1.

(43) How has the Lord’s promise to guide the Church “into all truth” been fulfilled? P. 219, par. 1.

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(44) What was the distinction between the Apostolic guidance and the experience of the prophets of olden times? P. 219, par. 2.

(45) How do we understand the Apostolic commission with respect to “binding and loosing”? (Matt. 18:18.) P. 220, par. 1.

(46) How shall we interpret Matt. 16:15-18, “Upon this Rock will I build my Church”? P. 220, par. 2.


(47) Explain how Peter used “the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven.” P. 221.

(48) What Scriptural evidence that the Apostles were to be not only teachers, but also prophets or seers? Pp. 222, 223.


— March 15, 1911 —