R4815-143 Annual Request For Visits Of Traveling Brethren

::R4815 : page 143::


THE Lord’s blessing continues richly with this branch of the service. During the period from May, 1910, to May, 1911, there has been a large increase in the number of public meetings held, and a corresponding increase also in the attendance. Larger auditoriums, better means of announcement, and a thorough house-to-house distribution of Everybody’s have been the means through which the Lord has been pleased to specially bless this branch of the harvest work.

This wide-open door seems, by the Lord’s grace, to open still more widely for the year—May, 1911, to May, 1912. If you desire to arrange for large public meetings, but feel that the expense would burden you, mention that fact; the Society may wish to assist financially.

Do not get the thought, however, that these visits are merely for the public; they are also intended to encourage Bible Students everywhere; it matters not whether the class be large or small. No charge is made for these services. The Society pays all the necessary traveling expenses, etc., and takes up no collections. The cost is borne by the general fund to which many of you are, or have been, contributors. Requests for these visits must be renewed every year in May. It is our desire to serve all who make request. We will use our best endeavor to this end.

All desirous of visits by the traveling brethren during the year from May, 1911, to May, 1912, are invited to send in postal-card replies to the following questions:

(a) Are regular meetings being held?
(b) How many are usually in attendance?
(c) Where do you meet? What time?
(d) Have the members of your class chosen leaders in accord with STUDIES, Vol. VI, chapters V and VI? If so, give name and full address of each.
(e) Give full names and full addresses of the two [2] to whom notice re traveling brethren should be sent, and notify us as to any change or removal.
(f) If your town is not on a railroad give the name of railroad station at which to stop.
(g) How many miles from station is meeting place, and which direction from station?
(h) Would the Brother be met at station?
(i) Give writer’s full name and address.
(k) Give Secretary’s full name and address.


— May 1, 1911 —