R4981-71 Some Interesting Letters

::R4981 : page 71::




I write to say that I took the Vow on November 14 last, and request an interest in your prayers on my behalf, that I may be assisted in the keeping of it. Well I know that it is not only in the making of vows to the Lord that we are assisted and blessed, but in the paying of them.

I have hesitated for a long time in taking the Vow, more because I thought it was too much for me than anything else; but the Lord has shown me there is nothing more in the Vow than is included in Romans 12:1,2.

So after reading your article in THE TOWER, under the heading, “Was Judas a Hypocrite?” in the November 1 issue, I decided quickly on binding the sacrifice to the altar.

I might say in closing that the Lord continues to bless me richly through your writings. When I got the Truth I was a member of the Salvation Army, and much taken up with the “doctrines of demons.” So you can see the great darkness I was in, and the many pleasant surprises the Lord had in store for me. Truly it was “good tidings of great joy” to me (and it shall be to all people). It is my earnest desire that I shall always be faithful to the dear Lord and appreciate more and more the channel He is using in bringing to the Household of Faith the “meat in due season.”

My prayer for you is that the Lord may ever be with you to comfort you under every discouragement, and to enlighten your mind more and more, and to strengthen you for the work He has given you to do. With much Christian love, I remain

Your brother in Christ, DAVID STRATTON.—N.J.




In so many instances the Truth friends come to the meetings, either just at the opening hour, or after service has commenced, that it seems to me something might well be written on the subject, tending to correct this tardiness. The meeting is disturbed more or less by the late arrivals, who in most instances could just as well be present before the meeting begins. They make sufficient haste to get to the meetings on time, but they do not start this hurry early enough to be on time.

Many deplore their inability to better serve the Lord and His Truth. They say, “I would like to do something for the Lord, but have no talent, or no opportunity for service.” Bless their hearts! They could readily manifest a greater degree of zeal by being at the meeting thirty minutes before the opening hour, thus showing their love for the brethren and their appreciation of Christian fellowship.

Perhaps in no other way could they so effectually indicate their desire to be of service to God. They are neglecting a golden opportunity, it seems to me. The natural disposition is to take the last possible street car that would bring one to the meeting in time to be at its opening, whereas we should surely seek to go on the earliest car possible.

The fellowship of the saints is ofttimes worth more than what we get from the class lesson. This should prompt us all to be half an hour ahead of time rather than even one minute late.

Should we not resist the temptation to be late in starting to meetings quite as much as the temptation to negligence in other respects?

Your brother in the love and service of the Lord,




The postal I mailed you brought in return mail the desired literature. Thank you. I have read and have made the Truth my own. And now I desire to co-operate in spreading the good tidings to others. Please advise how I may do this to the best advantage. I desire to meet all the expense incident to the distribution of literature, which I shall do myself.

I enclose a dollar for The Watch Tower, which I desire to have regularly.

May the Lord continue to bless you in your labor of love.

With earnest prayers, S. L. DAVIS.—Pa.


— February 15, 1912 —