R5515-238 Pacific Coast Convention

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TRUTH friends on the Pacific Coast have been urging a General Convention. Few of them were able to attend the Central and Eastern Conventions in the Summer, but they hope that considerable numbers from the East will come to the Pacific Coast Convention. There is some little competition between San Francisco, Los Angeles, Santa Cruz and San Diego, but, so far as we are able to judge, there was unanimous agreement that Santa Cruz is the most centrally located of the four and an ideal place for a seaside Convention. Besides, we understand that there are special excursion rates to Santa Cruz from various parts of the Pacific Coast which would convenience the Truth friends of that vicinity.

The dates are Aug. 30 to Sept. 6, inclusive—eight days.

We have no doubt that it will be a very enjoyable and profitable Convention; for we have the assurance of the Lord in advance that where even two or three of His people are gathered, His presence and His blessing will be with them. Nevertheless, according to our usual custom, we urge nobody to attend the Convention. We merely make mention of it, and recommend that each one contemplating attendance shall consider the matter carefully, prayerfully, counting the cost. “Let nothing be done through strife or vain-glory,” but with singleness of heart let each seek to know and to do what he believes to be most pleasing to the Lord.

Those not so circumstanced as to be able to attend in person may, nevertheless, sing and make melody in their hearts, and unite their prayers with those of the Conventioners, and thus insure a share of the blessing.

Accommodations have been arranged for at $1.25 per day up, and for lodging at 50c. single, and 75c. double,

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meals at cafeteria. Address Convention Committee, care H. S. Holway, Chairman, Santa Cruz, Cal.

Railway rates can be arranged through local agents. Special excursions from San Francisco, Los Angeles, etc.


— August 1, 1914 —